Friday, February 25, 2022

Session 5

During the week, I dropped a hook about some werewolf attacks from the last two months during the week of the full moon. And with this new full moon week, the Lord Commander of Pottfort has placed it and the surrounding village Woodshome under marshal law. Players “bit” into the werewolf hook and took off to kill some wolfmen. But first, let’s talk about a downtime activity one of players did during the week.

Tony Rice is the party’s thief, and decided a week before to do some stuff around town. He found another party, and decided to follow them around, in hopes of stealing some of their stuff. Tony realized they were going to the Old Bastard and silently pursued them. On the second night, the party was ambushed by a group of 13 ogres. Four dead, three captured. Bodies were taken too. Tony returned to Pottsfort and let the authorities know what happened.

With that out of the way, lets get back to the werewolf problem. Before the party set out to the nearby Chickasaw tribe to see what the healing man knows about the werewolf attacks, they stocked up on silver weapons and got some henchmen, including two Chickasaw warriors and a mercenary with no name. Laughing Fox also bought a hunting dog and a war dog. The healing man and the Fr. Justine believed the remains of the three victims of the last two months had not only sacrificial markings and wolf hair on them, but smelled of brimstone. The group set out to the location of where the last victims were found and let the hunting dog sniff around and then let him sniff the wolf hair given to them. He took off in a southeastern direction.

 The group came across a group of Blackrot Swamp goblins looking around for something. The goblins seeing the group, decided talking, not fighting, was in their best interest. The party found out that the goblins were making their way to the Old Bastard to claim some treasure but were attacked by three werewolves and what they thought was a witch. They want revenge and agree to join the party. Under the condition that they will also get paid.

The now larger party found were lead to a clearing in the woods by the hunting dog. Searching around, the players found a large, angular rock. On top of the rock was dried blood, like an altar. The rock was pointing north to something large that was shimmering. They realized it was some keep, but Stonewall came to the conclusion that it was made invisible by elven magic. After standing around for some turns, Stonewall managed to undo the spell by saying the right elven word. While he was doing this, Laughing Fox located two black bears in the area and decided to put them under animal control. With the keep now visible, and it’s large door closed, but unlocked, Rumbo slowly opened the door and Laughing Fox sent the two bears bashing in.  

The group heard lots of growling and a woman shrieking. Inside, they saw the bears had kill a haggy looking woman, and was fighting a werewolf. It was quickly killed. The dead werewolf quickly returned to it’s human form and Rumbo noticed that there was a pentagram on its palm. They soon let the bears go, and then set up an ambush to kill the remaining two werewolves.

Not long after, the other two wolfmen (one in human form) and another witch appeared unawares that they were about to die. With a combination of flaming oil, and Rumbo along with the others using their silver weapons, the werewolf coven was wiped out from the face of this world. After this, the group decided to explore the keep. It was similar in look to the Pottsfort keep, but not as tall or wide. They noticed that keep seemed to made of a single piece of stone, instead of many. Weird. Exploring brought them success. Finding various treasures, they also found the remains of many victims in the basement. Hopefully this ends the werewolf scourge in the area. After returning, the party was rewarded with 600 gold for each dead wolfman, and another 200 for both hags.


Rumbo (10%) = 602 XP

Tony Rice (5%) = 575 XP

Stonewall (5%) = 575 XP

Laughing Fox = 546 XP


Two Chickasaw Warriors: 546 XP each

Man With No Name: 546 XP

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