Friday, February 4, 2022

Session 2

 “The cold mountain winds don’t have as sharp or deep of a bite than that of the skinwalker’s maw.” Old frontier saying.

This session we've got a couple of returning players, along with a new player with all new characters! We've Bosca Rox (level 1 fighter), a former lumberjack, Stonewall (level 1 Elven Spellsword), and Laughing Fox a Chickasaw Shaman. Having heard of the treasures of the Old Bastard, and they decide to take a trip there to make their luck. They encounter nothing, and once at the Dragon's Eye entrance, they see the decomposing heads of the four Morlocks greet them. They enter in. Now I'm gonna assume, since they were from Pottsfort, then they've received information from the previous characters and even Rotho himself about what has been discovered so far in that evil, underground keep. And they put that info into good use this session.

Emerging from the entrance, they see the intersection, but it's no longer lit though the smell of oil lingers. They know about the Octagon chamber in the west, the plaza in the north, but decide to search the unexplored area of the east. Going down the eastern hall (road?) they find one room on the south wall twenty feet away from the intersection. It's unlocked, and the group makes their way in. Other than some ruined furniture, and a dusty, moldy smell, they find nothing. Leaving out, they go further down the passageway. Forty feet away from the empty room, the find another door on the north wall. Again, it's unlocked, and once more, the group heads in. They go through a small hallway of twenty feet and emerge into a very large stone chamber. It's ninety feet across and eighty north and south. Though the northeastern corner contains a smaller room about thirty by thirty feet. Before checking that room, they hear some rustling and the sound of feet or paws making their way to them. Their light gives away three giant albino weasels; each one looking hungrier than the last. The group makes quick work of the fowl beasts, killing two and the other one running away through the entrance of the room due to a failed morale check.

They head to the northwest direction of the chamber where the weasels were. The group finds a large a nest made out of debris. Searching the nest they find a ruptured leather sack containing 1500 gp. They also find a sword with strange runes written on it's blade. After this, they head back toward the room in the northeastern part of the chamber. they begin to hear what sounds like a stream on the other side. The door is once again unlocked, and the players carefully enter into small abode. Inside they smell oil and cinnamon, and the sound of rushing water grows stronger. The small room tapers off in the upper right corner, with four vases on the left, and chest on the tapered corner. And between the vases and chest, they see a spear and a hand axe. They look through the vases first and realize that whatever was in their, is dried, and not worth anything despite the smell they give off.

Next they grab the spear and small axe. The spear's shaft is made of dragon's bone, and it's metal tip bears runes similar to that of the sword. The hand axe's shaft is made of red ironoak, and like the previous two weapons, it's head has runes marked into it. They then put their focus upon the chest. It's about two or feet wide, and another foot in height and length. It's made of wood and metal and contains an outward lock. With no thief in the party, Stonewall manages to hack the lock off, triggering a trap. He fails his saving throw and is hit with poisoned darts that causes to grow sick and pass out to 0 hp. While Stonewall is down, Bosca and Laughing Fox look inside the now de-trapped chest. They find a bag of 500 gp, another bag with five jewels and a ring inside, and an odd looking piece of amber the shape and size of a large pear. Inside this amber they see what appears to be three human dancers, dancing in fire. Eerie. They decide to pick up Stonewall, their newly acquired loot, and head back of the Old Bastard. 

On their way out, at the intersection, things become frigid, and they hear down the western passageway someone shout "Who goes there?" in a hollow voice. They move quicker to the exit. After leaving the underground entrance, the group makes their way back to Pottsfort. They rest for the night in a secluded and sanitary spot, and Stonewall manages to regain 3 hit points. The next day they encounter nothing, but that changes when they set up camp again. By the fire, Stonewall and the other two spot what appears to be a woman in shadows, sixty feet away. Her eyes glow grey, and her she speaks out in a voice that sounds close "Can I come over to the fire? I'm so cold. And hungry..." She has the party's full attention. Walking closer, she continues to cry softly in the unnaturally close voice, and her limbs and teeth grow longer. Her skin peals off, revealing short haired, black fur. She grins, revealing a more skull like face. Stonewall throws a flask of military oil, and she alights in flames. She says she wants to be warmer. That they will taste good. Bosca tells her to leave while grabbing his axe. Laughing Fox uses prestidigitation, and causes her to see bright and flashing stars, distracting her. She swipes at Bosca, but misses. Stonewall throws another flask of oil, though it misses her, but some of the flames manage to splash on her. Laughing fox hits her with a bullet from his sling, and she begins to bleed between her eyes. Finally, Bosca takes her down with his axe, nearly cutting her in half at the chest. She goes down, turning to ash but leaving a shriveled, blackened heart, and her two glowing eyes. Laughing Fox scoops those up, and puts them into a pouch. The group encounters nothing else on their way back to Pottsfort.

After arriving back to saftey, the party heads to the small church. They meet with Fr. Justine who lets Stonewall stay and heal. They tell him about their encounter with skinwalker. Fr. Justine tells them that the description of the woman, before her transformation, sounded like that of Abigail, the mother of a family that went into self exile a few months back. No one has heard of them since. They hand over the heart and eyes, and Justine stabs them with a silver dagger and says a few prayers, finally destroying the creature once and for all. The group then heads over to Glomm the Jeweler and show him their new found treasure. He tells them that the weapons are indeed magical, and that the runes are an ancient form of dwarvish. The sword is called Orc Killer: it glows green around the presence of nearby orcs, and will inflict more damage upon them. The spear is called Wyvern's Bane, and glows a fiery red near dragons and wyverns, and brings extra pain to both of those winged serpents. Finally the hand axe is called Woodthorne, and will spit green flames against fae of wood. They then show off their jewels: five diamonds, two opals, four obsidian, and three tiger eyes. The amber though, that one catches his eye. He's never seen anything like it. Laughing Fox decides to contact his ancestors, asking their advice and knowledge on the strange piece. 
"Is it a danger to us?" 
"No" they say.
"Are the people inside dangerous?"
"Should we let them out?"
With that, the session ended and the party happy with their gains.

Total XP from Monsters and Treasure:
Bosca the Fighter: (10%) 3381 XP

Stonewall (Elven Spellsword): (5%) 3228 XP

Laughing Fox (Shaman): (0%) 3074 XP


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