Saturday, January 8, 2022

What's this all about now?


My original idea was to use OD&D, but since this test session was kind of spur of the moment, I decided to use the Adventurer, Conqueror, King System or ACKS for short cause I already knew it, or some of it due to play in bdubs1776 most excellent game. It can be found over hear: It’s a great system, and probably the best of the OSR rulesets. It’s based off the old Basic versions of D&D, but pretty much surpasses those. It has the tools needed to design the setting from the ground up, including rules for economies and mass combat. There’s more to it, but I highly recommend you check it out. It also combines some elements found in later edition of D&D, like proficiencies, which are a combination of skills and feats. Though unlike those versions of that game, these are optional but also never feel like they get in the way of actual play. And unlike the B/X version of the game, this is less horror pulp, and more gritty sword & sorcery similar to that of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Though that’s not to say it’s not a horror game, it is essentially D&D after all.

But what house rules? Do I use them, and if so, how many?

Not many, as I’m not the biggest fan of making a bunch of house rules. One should play the game as written first, and only make rulings and house rules for things the game doesn’t cover and maybe a few that emerge from actual play and that suit your setting. With that said, there are two rules I’m starting with out of the gate: 1) to switch from individual initiative to that of group initiative. This isn’t as much of a radical change than one may think as D&D from it’s first edition to that of even 2E all use group initiative. It’s faster and meaner. And I like it a lot. 2) mostly that not all races and classes will be available. This is mainly due to The Red Frontier being a homebrew setting, and at the moment I don’t see the need or want to use those that are tied to ACKS in game setting, Auron. Not a bad setting mind you. I dig the late antiquity vibe with a pseudo late era Roman Empire in decline setting it goes for. But I really want to do my own thing. Mainly I’m inspired about the earliest of settings: Greyhawk, Blackmoor, the Wilderlands. But also that of Rick Stumps own setting Seaward. Go check his blog out:

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