Saturday, January 8, 2022

Test Session or Play Session 1?


Play Report

This is a test Session. Maybe not necessarily session 1, but no way in hell a “session 0.” This session was just for me to get a feel of running something, anything really, online. I’ve been told by my brave players that I did alright. Which is good, cause I was worried I’d retard things up too much!

The Players:

Dread Pirate Roberts (Bard)

Lucky Callihan (Thief)

Rumbo Battlecock ( Dwarf Vaultgaurd)

Mickey the Mage (Magic-User)

About four days after meeting the local former trailblazer Rotho at the Piss & Stone Tavern in Pottsfort, about the recently discovered Old Bastard, the group sets to find the long forgotten keep. They head through a giant crack on the Dragon’s Eye after finding body parts and old, dried blood on it's steps. Soon the group makes their way north along an intersection until they come across a bridge over an underground stream. Passing this, they emerge into a plaza where they discover a two story structure, and other doors along the west wall of the plaza. They also find a large stone door in the western wall that has a moon and sun carved into it’s face. It’s locked, but the group ascertains that two special keys are needed to unlock it, one for the moon side, and one for the sun.

Dragon Eye Cave

Lucky scopes out north of the structure and hears some loud sniffing around from something. The group quickly realizes that the structure is about 80’ in length and 40’ in width. They plan on using their grappling hooks and rope to ascend to the second floor through one of it’s many windows. Before they accomplish this, Lucky spots a group of three giant albino weasels, each looking hungrier than the last. The weasels are fairly large. About 9 to 10’ in length and about as wide as a full grown horse. Our heroes decide to run back pass the bridge from earlier in hopes to avoid the weasels leave them alone. And to make it a bit more persuasive, Rumbo throws a weeks worth of rations on the floor as an enticement for giant rodents. The weasels take the bait more or less, and leave the group be.

Moon & Sun Door (but stone!)

The group heads back to the intersection, and takes the hallway left. They pass a handful of doors, including one on the north side of the hallway. They make their way all the to the most western door and manage to open it. Inside is an octagonal chamber, with seven doors, one for each side except for the southeastern wall. In the middle, the floor is made out of sand with a pit about 20’ deep. Dread Pirate Roberts decides to throw a flask of lit military oil inside of the pit. It hits something and causes the pit to light up in great flame, and bubbling shrieking emerges along with an odious smell that reeks of mustard and chemicals. I make the group save against breath, and only half succeeds. Dread Pirate Roberts and Lucky manage to get the other two out before they can cough up their lungs. After the gas subsides, they decide to head back to the north doorway they passed a few minutes earlier. It seems that noises from breaking the door down, the explosion, and coughing up a storm attract a group of humanoid creatures. They hear loud shuffling of feet. Dread Pirate Roberts soon belches out a song to help boost the group and soon hears the oncoming creatures respond by echoing his singing, but way off key. The group’s torch and lantern soon bear witness to three morlocks, one with a spear, the other two with clubs, and all three with drool dangling from their mouth and chins.

Some wild Morlocks!

The two groups soon engage in combat. Mickey the Mage soon blasts Burning Hands at the inbred humanoids, and all three take damage, while the one holding the spear drops his weapon to put himself out. Lucky shoots an arrow but it misses and hit the ceiling. Rumbo and Roberts soon take the two club wielding mongrels down in quick and brutal fashion while escaping harm themselves. The second proves successful for our adventurers as they quickly dispatch the third morlock. Our team resumes their way to the north doorway. They manage to open it and soon find a largely empty space, except for the large metal treasure chest that rests at the foot of the east wall of the chamber. They search the room and Rumbo discerns that there may be a trap 5’ above the chest: he see’s a slightly discolored stone brick. The group exists past door while Rumbo takes his rope and lasso’s the chest. It’s heavy, but makes it slowly to him. While it moves his way, it triggers what indeed was a trap. Quickly the brick gives way and long halberd like device pops outs to kill whatever that might have been in front of the chest.

The group opens the chest without any problems, and find 2000 gp, 500 sp, and a black sapphire worth 1,000 gp. Not a bad haul at all. They soon make their way out of the dungeon and back to Pottsfort without incident.

Total XP from Monsters & Treasure: 

30 xp from the Morlocks

58 xp from the Pit Ghouls

2,000 xp from gold pieces found

50 xp from the silver pieces found

1,000 xp from the black sapphire (must be sold first)

Each member receive a bonus amount from their Prime Ability Score.

Dread Pirate Roberts (10%) = 589

Rumbo Battlecock (10%) = 589

Mickey the Mage (10%) = 589

Luck Callihan (0%) = 535

Sweet Loot!

So yeah, the night went pretty good. I didn't have the entire 1st level keyed mostly because it turned out bigger than I realized. I also need to learn on giving better directions and descriptions of the rooms and what not. I've ran games before, but it's been a couple of years and I've never ran one online before. Still, it shouldn't take long to improve on these. Not sure when I'll get started, and it depends on a setting a schedule, but it shouldn't be too much longer. Anyway, here's hoping for the best and remember to Fight On!

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